Coffetek Vitro Zen Coffee Vending Machine

Coffee & Hot Drinks Vending Machines

The Vitro Zen coffee machine is a compact and style coffee shop in one. Its attractive design is suitable for any environment and its small footprint means it is a great space-saving machine. Also rated with an A+ energy credential this machine will lower the boiler temperature to reduce the power consumption, it is also possible to set a complete shut down for a certain period if unused.

The stunning gloss finish and touch screen selection provide an exceptional user experience. The design and simple and intuitive but can also be customised to your own company branding.

The In-Touch selection system allows personal branding for your favourite beverage. The Zen can offer a selection of beverages including whole bean coffee, tea and hot chocolate. Use your own favourite cup or take advantage of the machine integrated cup dispenser system, the I-Detect.

Technical Details

  • Product ID
  • Drink Options
    9 Selections & 3 Pre-selections Available
  • Brewing Systems
    Espresso & Freshbrew Tea
  • Height
  • Width
  • Depth



The Vitro Zen includes an integrated cup dispenser for plastic or paper disposable cups. Should you prefer to use your own cup, the system will automatically detect it and dispense your drink directly into your chosen cup.

Going Green

The Zen automatically lowers boiling temperatures during inactivity and can be programmed to shut down completely at night when out of use, reducing energy consumption significantly.

Touchless Technology

Add Distance Selection Technology to your machine to help reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses. This innovative touchless function allows users to order a drink by hovering their finger 2cm from the surface of the selection button.

Standard Drink Options

White Coffee
White Coffee




Black Coffee
Black Coffee



Hot Chocolate
Hot Chocolate

Hot Water
Hot Water

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