The Star Behind the Bar
Following a comprehensive coffee audit, Liquidline recommended that Moor Park replace their existing 2 groups traditional espresso machine with a more compact and efficient bean-to-cup coffee machine.
The coffee machine of choice was the new Schaerer Coffee Soul 12 automatic bean-to-cup coffee machine which has been supplied and installed behind the bar in the clubhouse.
Grinding on demand to preserve the taste of the beans, the Soul 12 then combines espresso with fresh milk prepared with Schaerer’s Best Milk foaming system. With dual bean hoppers, dual powder hoppers, a twin milk system and an optional syrup station, the Schaerer 12 offers members a more comprehensive menu choice, all of which can be prepared with a couple of taps on the guided touchscreen.
With consistently excellent coffee delivered time after time, Moor Park has been able to justify a rise in coffee prices. By adding a Flavour Point syrup station to their Schaerer Soul 12, they can also charge an additional fee per cup for added extras.
The new top-quality coffee offering has been a real hit with members, with coffee sales shooting up in the months since the new machine was installed.
High Volume Refreshment Solutions
In addition to operating a successful golf resort, Moor Park is also a thriving meeting, conference and celebration venue. With large volumes of visitors requiring beverages quickly and efficiently, the catering team needed a solution that offered both quality and speed. To remedy this, Liquidline provided two high-capacity Marco Jet 6 Filter Coffee Machines and an above-counter Wave Box 80 that delivers large volumes of chilled and sparkling drinking water for guests.